Conversations with Belle

Boats vs Planes | Toxicity in Relationships

Belle Woodz Season 2 Episode 1

first episode of the season, we start off with the icebreaker: would you prefer your own boat or your own plane?

which would you prefer?  

first topics of the season, we discuss toxicity in relationships and whether or not certain standards are “reasonable.”

1:20 icebreaker: your own boat vs your own plane?

6:50 icebreaker contd. so… can we monetize this?

11:27 topic intro

12:30 she’s gonna need him to get the door, reasonable yay or nay?

16:33 the rebuttal!

21:43 oh we talkin’ “traditional?” what is that though?

23:55 talk boundaries to me

28:28 trust factors

30:54 wait, let’s back up and define toxic

33:05 the “r” word

35:24 lack of communication

37:52 real reflections


tune in and don’t forget to like, share and subscribe.  let us know in the comments, what are some toxic things that you’ve identified in relationships?  do you have toxic traits of your own?

catch us next week for episode 2 where we reflect on being black in corporate.


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instagram: @bellewoodz

facebook @bellewoodz


peace and love!

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